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Triple Nickel Tour

Approximately 159 miles

The Triple Nickel Tour, referred to as Ohio’s Tail of the Dragon, seems as though it was designed specifically for motorcyclists. Enjoy a thrilling ride through some of the most beautiful farm-land and forests that Ohio has to offer. This tour consistently ranks in the top five among motorcycle enthusiasts.


• From Zanesville take OH-555 S
• Take a left and follow 7 N toward Constitution
• Exit Virginia Street and turn left
• Turn right on Cole Coffman Rd/13
• Straight on 676 W
• Turn right on 792 N
• Turn right on 266 toward Stockport
• Turn left on 376 N toward McConnelsville
• Turn right on 78 E/N
• Turn left on 284 N
• Turn left on 146 W back to Zanesville

Visit Zanesville Tripple Nickel Tour Map

Points of Interest

1. Big Muskie's Bucket, McConnelsville

Visit the remains of what was once the world’s largest earth moving machine. North on State Route 78 from McConnelsville, OH.

2. Cumberland - The Wilds

Visit the safari park and conservation center—home of exotic animals from around the world—for one-of-a-kind adventures that include hands-on educational opportunities, zip lining, horseback riding, and fishing. 14000 International Rd, Cumberland, OH.